Teaching and Learning Coordinator

Reading Eggs

ABC Reading Eggs is a fantastic resource that supports your child’s reading skills with online reading games and activities that are easy to follow and are highly engaging. As parents, we encourage you to include Reading Eggs into your child’s daily routine to help them increase their success and confidence in reading and comprehension.


As parents and guardians, you are a key part of the learning process. The extra practice at home can and will make all the difference in your child’s math progress. The Mathletics Family Console is FREE to any parent of a child with a Mathletics account. It is a brilliantly easy way to facilitate home-school communications.

The benefits include the following:

2018 UNSW ICAS Competitions

Well done to all the students who are participating in the 2018 ICAS Competitions. The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is an optional & independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement. We have now completed the Digital Technologies and Science assessments and will continue with Spelling, Writing, English and Maths throughout the year.


SEQTA is a collaborative teaching and learning online system that is used by Sirius College. This valuable online tool includes things such as your child’s timetable, assessment results, communication records, attendance, term and semester reports and behaviour records.

If any families are having trouble logging onto their personalised SEQTA accounts, please contact our Primary receptionist for assistance.

Mrs Emel Yanilmaz
Teaching and Learning Coordinator
Eastmeadows Primary Campus